Deepak Walia joins Manroland Sheetfed’s India operations taking over as Managing Director from Neeraj Dargan who moves on to his next chapter, with sincere thanks and best wishes from the Manroland family.
Mr Walia will continue to strengthen Manroland Sheetfed sales efforts in the fast-growing printing market, having spent more than 24 years in the field of sales, marketing, technical and operations in capital goods and consumables for the print and graphic arts sector. He holds various printing qualifications with a management education behind him for the role.
Mr Walia said, “I am excited to be heading the Manroland Sheetfed subsidiary to expand the company’s operations. My local-market experience will enable us to better serve the group’s existing client base and with objective of year-on-year growth in India’s printing industry, I am looking forward to drive sheetfed machines and consumables market in the fast lane for Manroland with new ideas.”