Smithers, a leading provider of testing, consulting, information, and compliance services, is pleased to announce its acquisition of ResChem Analytical Limited. This acquisition enables Smithers to expand the scope and breadth of its global pesticide residue offering and build its field cooperators network to conduct field trails in support of crop residue operator exposure studies. The acquisition includes the ResChem Analytical Limited operations, including offices and laboratories at the headquarters in Derby, United Kingdom. ResChem has a respected reputation and extensive experience in the field of pesticide residue analysis covering a wide range of active ingredients and associated metabolites.
ResChem services include, but are not limited to:
- Method validation
- Independent laboratory validation
- Storage stability
- Ecotoxicology field and residue studies (matrices include bees, pollen, nectar, honey, wax, beneficial insects, etc.)
- Residues in livestock
- Analytical support for field residue, operator exposure (OPEX), dislodgeable foliar residue (DFR), turf transferable residue (TTR), and soil dissipation
- Training courses in pesticide residue analysis, associated techniques (e.g., LC-MS/MS, GC-MS), and bespoke training packages
Michael Hochschwender, Chief Executive Officer, Smithers states, “ResChem is an exciting addition to Smithers because we share a steadfast commitment to a client-first culture. We believe the ResChem culture of building trusted relationships is consistent with Smithers strategy of delivering accurate data, on time, with high touch.”
Susan Shepherd, Group President and President, Smithers Environmental Risk Sciences Division comments “ResChem significantly enhances Smithers global pesticide residue offering by expanding our capacity, capabilities, expertise, and network of field cooperators, which greatly benefits our global clients in the agrochemical sector.”
Derek Brown and Gareth Watson, ResChem’s Co-Founders, and a scientific team with decades of collective expertise and experience will continue to lead ResChem as a Smithers company under the strategic direction of Dr. Sharon Swales, Managing Director, Smithers Harrogate Environmental Risk Sciences laboratory. Derek Brown comments, “we are excited about this new chapter for ResChem. As a Smithers company, we will be able to scale the business so we can continue to provide high quality studies and support to our clients as their needs grow. Gareth Watson adds, “ResChem has built a strong reputation in Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Japan. We anticipate this acquisition can facilitate the expansion of our geographic footprint into other regions of the world.”